
8 Key UI Design Principles And How To Use Them Figma

In this blog, we will discuss the most important UI Design Principles concepts and how to apply them. In the digital era, design is more than simply a slick surface treatment that makes an app or website appear nice. Thoughtful user interface design enhances digital product experiences by improving usability, accessibility, and inclusiveness for global users. Thousands of designers worldwide are now UI Design Principles with Figma.

Interactive UI Design Principles

  1. Maintaining Internal Consistency in Design
  2. Integrating Familiar Design Elements
  3. Delivering Clear Error Messages
  4. Assisting in Exploration
  5. Prioritizing Simplicity in Design
  6. Designing for Forgiveness in User Interaction
  7. Giving Prompt Feedback
  8. Accessibility and Inclusivity

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Maintaining Internal Consistency in Design:- Internal consistency inside a product is essential in interaction design. After establishing a beginning point, it is critical to maintain consistency throughout a process so that a user feels more comfortable completing a job. Inconsistent design is perplexing, and as a result, it disrupts the user experience. There should be a clear explanation of what comes next and why it is required. If the app’s icons, actions, or functionalities are not standard, navigation difficulties may arise. For example, the “Back” button in some areas has a left arrow icon and a word label in others. Users struggle to immediately recognise frequent activities because of this discrepancy.

  • Layout consistency
  • Button style consistency
  • Iconographic consistency
  • Typographic consistency
  • Color scheme consistency
  • Terminological consistency

Integrating Familiar Design Elements:- When creating a product’s interface, it is critical to use recognisable aspects rather than unusual or wholly novel ones. This guarantees that consumers can simply relate to the interface and comprehend the purpose of individual pieces. If your design components leave people confused about how to engage with them, they cannot be deemed user-centered design. Familiar aspects play an important part in aiding the user’s path to perform activities on the site. In this case, your first step should be to determine your intended audience and then choose components that are known to them.

Delivering Clear Error Messages:- To improve user experience and interactivity, give a clear error message. The user should quickly comprehend the specific concerns with their workflow as they arise. For example, if you miss to complete one area of the Google sign-up form, a red mark will appear to illustrate the gap. As a result, users may easily detect and correct any missing areas.

Assisting in Exploration:- Creating a user-friendly interface is critical since it may determine whether a product or system succeeds or fails. When consumers use the interface, they should be able to quickly understand how to utilise it and what it delivers. Visual cues like as patterns, space, text, and colour may assist users navigate the interface and make it more intuitive. Buttons and menus, which can be clicked or interacted with, play an important role. They provide comments and urge you to explore further. Designers employ tools and procedures to efficiently test alternative design concepts, allowing them to come up with superior solutions

Furthermore, during the early stages of developing a user experience UI Design Principles probe deeply into the problem and the users. This information directs the design process, ensuring that the interface fits users’ demands and encourages them to explore. When consumers are delighted to explore, it typically leads to a better overall experience.

Prioritizing Simplicity in Design:- Prioritising simplicity in UI Design Principles is critical for making things engaging. It is the cornerstone of an excellent interactive user experience. Keeping things basic in your design improves how consumers engage with the interface. First and foremost, minimalism promotes usability. Users might find it easier to traverse the UI and finish activities by reducing complexity. When users find something simple to use, they are more inclined to stick around, explore more, and become devoted users or customers. Furthermore, simplicity accelerates goal attainment. When you design for simplicity, you streamline the user’s route to their goals.

This implies they can finish jobs faster and efficiently.It also adds a sense of elegance to your design. Clean and simple interfaces are more visually attractive. When consumers find a design visually appealing, they are more likely to stay engaged and take the required activities, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Another advantage of simplicity is the ability to navigate clearly. Simple designs prioritise easy and obvious navigation, allowing people to simply locate what they’re looking for.

Designing for Forgiveness in User Interaction:- When designing an interactive user interface, you must make it forgiving. Humans are prone to making mistakes, and when a user interacts with your product to fulfil a job, they may unintentionally commit a mistake. In such circumstances, individuals may have to restart the procedure from scratch, which may be incredibly unpleasant for them. To avoid such user irritation, it is critical to follow the forgiveness principle, which allows the user to restart from where they made a mistake. This strategy improves the entire user experience and has become a guiding concept in products that prioritise customer pleasure.

UI Design Principles

Giving Prompt Feedback:- Providing quick feedback in UI Design Principles basically means giving users quick and meaningful feedback while they are using the product’s interface. The feedback should be clear so users can easily understand what is happening because of their actions. And it should be noticeable so users know that their clicks and swipes aren’t going unnoticed. It’s all about making things easier for users. It helps them get what they need without unnecessary hassle, improves their experience, and keeps them coming back for more. Think about things like error messages, loading spinners, or those little icons that let you know what’s going on. It’s all part of UI feedback.

When asking people for feedback, ask specific questions about their experience with the product. Do it in such a manner that they feel connected and included. Give them some background so they understand what you are searching for. Request feedback once they have made changes to the product. Do not disturb them when they are in the middle of something essential. Keep it unobtrusive and inconspicuous so that it does not disrupt their task. This manner, you may learn essential knowledge without disrupting their flow. This will dramatically improve the user experience.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:- Inclusive UI design principles matter prioritises the requirements of all users, including those with impairments as well as those of various ages, cultures, and ability levels. Accessible design encourages participation from a larger audience. When designing for diversity, it is necesUI Design Principles sary to address the hurdles that marginalised groups encounter. Investigate the requirements of poor communities and use human-centered design strategies that are suited for inclusion. Colour contrast, clear writing, alternate language for pictures, keyboard-only navigation, and compatibility with assistive technology like screen readers ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to information and functions.

How To Use Them  Figma

Figma is simple to use at first, but there is a lot to understand before you can take full advantage of its capabilities. With the fundamentals of shapes, photos, and text, you may quickly begin building a website, designing a mobile application, and much more.

  • Figma account
  • Create and modify new frames
  • Insert images, text, and other objects
  • Save your styles
  • Add components
  • Make auto layouts

Figma account:- To begin, go to www.figma.com and join up by clicking the Get Started icon in the upper right corner. If you already have an account with them, use the Log In button instead. Since this is a tutorial, we will use the sign-up option. For this, Figma provides two alternatives. Click the Continue with Google button, or enter your email and password. You’ll also be prompted to give your name, identify the sort of job you perform, and explain how you want to utilise Figma.

Create and modify new frames:- On Figma, frames function similarly to boards. They represent the interface that the design’s end users will engage with. On Figma, you can choose from a variety of frames to display your design. To build new frames, open the design file and select the Frame tool in the upper left corner. Having difficulties locating it? Look for the button that resembles a hashtag. You may also generate additional frames by using the F key on your keyboard.

Insert images, text, and other objects:- There are several methods for inserting photos into your frames on Figma. The most frequent and easiest method is to drag and drop them onto your workspace. You may also use the Shape menu at the top of the page to pick Place Image/Video. When you click Open, a dialogue window will appear in which you may pick the photographs you wish to utilise. Then click ok to insert the image.

Save your styles:- Saving your styles allows you to avoid repeating the same design process. If you want all of the text headers in your design to have the same font, colour, and size, you can build a style and store it as a reusable H2 style.

Add components:- Components are groupings of UI design principles matter, objects, or layers that may be reused across your design. They let you keep a consistent design without having to update or scale your work.

Make auto layouts:- Auto Layout is a feature that allows you to construct a dynamic frame that expands or contracts as you modify the information within it. This will assist you avoid having to alter the frame repeatedly. It also allows you to see whether your design works in real life with a simple click.


Following these eight UI design principles matter can help you develop user-friendly interfaces. Prioritising clarity, simplicity, accessibility, user-centricity, and feedback in your design will allow for frictionless interactions.

By Bhupendra Saini
May 24, 2024
8 Key UI Design Principles And How To Use Them Figma

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